Issues that need attention in polyester flame retardant finishing

被整理织物的组织结构不同,其固有的燃烧性能也有较大差异� Generally speaking, fabrics with a looser structure have a larger burning specific surface area, and the air content inside the fibers ...

被整理织物的组织结构不同,其固有的燃烧性能也有较大差异� Generally speaking, fabrics with a looser structure have a larger burning specific surface area, and the air content inside the fibers and yarns is higher, so they burn faster and are easy to continue burning. On the contrary, fabrics with a tight structure are not easy to continue burning, but when finishing, the penetration If the performance is not good, the flame retardant effect will also be reduced. �因此,在实际生产应用,应针对具体加工对象,相应地调整工艺条件和用量,以求佳的整理效� �一般在阻燃剂浓度方面,随织物厚薄而调整,织物愈薄,浴中阻燃剂浓度应愈高� �为了获得理想的阻燃效果,半制品的质量是一个不能忽略的重要因素� �只有良好的亲水性才能确保整理液对织物的充分渗透,而且,面pH值要保持中性,以防引起工作液pH值波动� �对于组织结构紧密的织物,好选用多浸多轧施液设备,同时加入适量渗透剂,保证阻燃后织的增重率� After padding and finishing, it is best to use infrared or hot air drying methods to ensure even distribution of the finishing agent. When baking at high temperatures, the baking temperature and vehicle speed should be kept constant, and the heat ring should be uniform.

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