Liquid ammonia finishing process example

桑福瑟特整理工艺程序:织物进入桑福瑟特整理联合机后,先通过三个烘干烘筒,使织物上的含潮率减至3%左右,避免影响织物上的液氨浓度� �为了防止热布进入液氨槽中,导致液氨过度挥发,所以在进入8.3m长的...

桑福瑟特整理工艺程序:织物进入桑福瑟特整理联合机后,先通过三个烘干烘筒,使织物上的含潮率减至3%左右,避免影响织物上的液氨浓度� �为了防止热布进入液氨槽中,导致液氨过度挥发,所以在进入8.3m长的氨化室前,一定要先经冷却� �氨化室的进布缝道有双层封口和一道240Pa(1.8mmHg)的真空封口,防止氨气逸出� The fabric enters the ammoniation chamber, that is, it is padded in a two-roller padding tank containing a certain amount of liquid ammonia. The temperature of the liquid ammonia is maintained at around the boiling point (-33.4°C). At this time, the fabric has been 99% ammonia gas After being covered and padded, the fabric is regularly ventilated in ammonia gas, so that the fabric is exposed to liquid ammonia and ammonia gas for a total of 5 to 7 seconds. After that, heating treatment is carried out in the remaining part of the ammoniation chamber. It is first passed through a synthetic fiber blanket dryer and heated with steam to remove 90% to 95% of the ammonia content of the fabric. The ammonia is pumped to the refrigeration and compression chamber by an exhaust device. In the machine, the ammonia is compressed and frozen, and then re-liquefied for reuse. About 5% to 10% of liquid ammonia is absorbed by the fabric and chemically combined with the cotton fiber, but it can be removed with water instead; therefore, after the fabric leaves the ammoniation chamber, it is steamed with saturated steam, and the steamed ammonia is introduced into the ammonia treatment equipment. Concentrate ammonia and steam to 23.5% and sell it as a by-product for fertilizer �织物出蒸箱后再经透风和喷射蒸汽以去除残余的氨味� �后可再送入机械预缩机进行整理�

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