Analysis of the function of cotton picking machine

Analysis of the function of cotton picking machine (1) Grasping and opening functions 1. The influence of beater type on opening degree Old machines such as A002C adopt U-shape...

Analysis of the function of cotton picking machine

(1) Grasping and opening functions
1. The influence of beater type on opening degree
Old machines such as A002C adopt U-shaped blade beaters. There are 8 rows of blades on the top of the beater drum, and each row has 13 blades; A002D type and FA002 type use serrated blades, and the sawtooth density is densely arranged from the inside to the outside. The advantages are:
The total number of knife tips is relatively large, and the weight of the cotton grabbed by each knife is small.
The densely arranged sawtooth density can reduce the difference in opening of the inner and outer cotton blocks when picking cotton, thereby improving the uniformity of opening.
The opening degree of the cotton picking machine can be expressed by the theoretical cotton block weight M output by the machine.
M = the output of the cotton picking machine/the total number of knives on the cotton picking machine beater
M is small, and the output cotton block is lighter in weight and has good openness.
When the output increases and other conditions remain unchanged, the opening effect of the cotton block is poor. Therefore, when the output of the cotton picking machine is increased, in addition to appropriately enlarging the number of knife tips, the process parameters should be reasonably configured to ensure the opening degree.
2. The impact of process parameters on opening degree and cotton picking machine output
The sawtooth blade extends far beyond the rib, the blade is inserted deep into the cotton layer, the average weight of the picked cotton block is large, the opening effect is poor, and The blade is susceptible to damage. On the contrary, the average weight of the grabbed cotton block is light and the opening effect is good. Therefore, without affecting the cotton grabbing, the distance should be smaller, generally 1~6mm.
The intermittent descent stroke and running speed of the cotton catching trolley. After each stroke or rotation of the trolley, the height of the trolley’s descent affects the depth of the beater blade inserted into the cotton layer.
The impact of the intermittent downward stroke of the trolley:
When the intermittent downward stroke of the cotton catching trolley is large, the blade will be inserted deeply into the cotton layer, resulting in a large cotton picking amount and high output, but the opening effect is poor. When the inserting depth of the blade is too large, the resistance of the blade to catching cotton will be too great and it will be easily damaged. The operating efficiency of the trolley (the percentage of the running time of the trolley to the production time of the coiler within the measured period) decreases. Therefore, when the output is sufficient, it is advisable to reduce the intermittent descending stroke of the cotton catching car as much as possible, which is beneficial to opening.
The influence of the running speed of the trolley:
If the speed is fast, the number of descents of the trolley increases, the output of the cotton picking machine is high, and the opening effect is poor.
[Understanding point: If the total height of cotton picking (equivalent to the total height of cotton bales) is H cm, the weekly intermittent descent stroke of the cotton picking trolley is h cm, and the total fiber amount stacked on the cotton bale table is G kg, then the car will drop once every week of operation. The amount of cotton grabbed is h/H×G without considering loss. If the circular speed of the cotton grabbing trolley is n (rpm), that is, the trolley drops n times per minute, then
The theoretical cotton output of the cotton picking machine per hour (kg/unit) = the amount of cotton grabbed when the trolley drops once × The total number of descents of the car in one hour = h/H×G×60n.
It can be seen that the speed of the car is fast, that is, n is large, the output is high, the theoretical cotton block grabbed by each knife is heavy, and the opening effect is poor]
The speed is fast, and more raw materials of different components are output within a certain period of time, which is beneficial to mixing . The speed is fast and the trolley operation efficiency is high, which is conducive to loosening and mixing. The running speed of the trolley is generally 1.7~2.3rpm.
The speed of the cotton grabbing beater Nb
Since M = the total output of the cotton picking machine / the total number of beaters’ knives × the beating speed Nb
Nb is fast, and the raw cotton is struck many times per unit time. If each knife grabs one cotton block , M is naturally smaller, and the looseness is good, but the car vibrates greatly, which requires high dynamic balance of the beater. The speed of cotton catching beater is generally 740~900rpm.
                                              overover through blending action
The car runs for a week, grabbing a set of blended cotton, which is transported to the next machine by the air flow to achieve preliminary mixing of different raw materials. The process parameters and operation management of the cotton picking machine will affect its mixing effect.
1. The running speed and efficiency of the trolley are fast, and the number of cotton bales of blended cotton captured within a certain time interval is large, which is conducive to mixing. It is fast, the trolley operates with high efficiency, and the amount of grabbing is small each time. The continuous cotton grabbing time is long and the number of stops is small, which makes the ingredients in the cotton box of the cotton blender relatively uniform and ensures that the cotton blending ratio of the cotton blending plan is not destroyed (when the trolley stops When the cotton bag is stopped, the cotton bale will be concave. The next time the cotton is picked up, the amount picked up at this point will be less, which will destroy the cotton mixing ratio. Others: the beater will idle when the trolley stops, and it will not play its opening role).
Conclusion: Improving the operating efficiency of the trolley is conducive to improving the opening and mixing effect.
Measures to improve the operating efficiency of the trolley: work hard and work hard. Frequent: the car runs faster and the beater speed is faster; less: the amount of grabbing is smaller each time. Generally, the operating efficiency of the cotton catching car should be no less than 80%.
2. Arrangement of cotton bales
The arrangement diagram of cotton bales should comply with: “Axis staggered and circumferentially dispersed” to avoid repeated grabbing of the same component. The difference in the average grade of each component at different positions along the beater’s axis should be minimized so that the average grade of the raw materials grabbed by the trolley at each position is close to the same. For example, there are 22 bales in total of mixed cotton composed of 5 batches of raw cotton. There are 5 bales in the inner circle of the cotton bale table, 7 bales in the middle circle, and 10 bales in the outer circle. The beater can grab cotton bales of three different compositions at any position.
3. Operation management
Operators must strictly follow the cotton bale arrangement chart to load the bales. Carry out the operation method of “cutting high, filling in, and making the surface flush”. Returned cotton and reused cotton should be gradually combined and embedded dispersedly between cotton bales. If possible, the returned cotton and reused cotton should be packed and mixed between cotton bales.
(3) Advantages of using two cotton picking machines in parallel
The number of bales in rows is large, which can achieve multiple functions.��Cotton blending effect.
The cotton pieces captured at the same time are small and the opening effect is good.
Generally, when two cotton picking machines are used in parallel, the difference in picking height between the two cotton picking machines is 1/2 the height of the cotton bale. When the cotton bales of one cotton picking machine are used up and need to be loaded, the trolley of the other cotton picking machine The pace needs to be accelerated to meet production and supply requirements.

